To Be Young At Heart

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


My Grandmother was a strong woman who sometimes went misunderstood (by some) because of the strong will God equipped her with as a result of the trials and tribulations she would have to encounter in life. He provided her with everything she needed, and as a result - WITH HIS HELP - she was able to battle and overcome so many things that would have (no doubt) destroyed many others! I'm am sooooo proud of the woman my Grandmother was and the strong will she so strongly embodied to PERSEVERE - It continues TO SPEAK TO MY SPIRIT and provide WISDOM TO MY SOUL .
“...The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose”

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Birthday "SuperMOM"

I created this for my Grandma on the day of her 81st Birthday
"...I am everything I am, because she loved me!"
Happy Birthday "SuperMOM"

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


As a child, I thought it rather embarrassing that my Grandmother had to raise me, as if it were some ill-spoken language that boldly announced to the world that I was neither wanted nor loved by the people who, according to society, should have loved me most. As an adult, I know that no longer to be true! In fact, over the years, God has shown me exactly the opposite, completely changing who I am, how I view things, and the passion in which I am, instinctively, driven to do them. I thank him for this, as he has so lovingly whispered to me over the years (in times of need) that while he chooses what vessel in which to bring life, just as he chose Mary to bring forth Jesus, He is the ultimate creator, who fully understands the path of life that one must take to become all that he has designed and equipped one to become. He has shown me how easy and insignificant it is to get caught up in the things of life that we have no control of, and totally miss the purpose in which they were designed to be used for. I am forever grateful to him for such clarity, which has created within me a heart that has come to fully understand the importance of selflessness and compassion for it is these two things in which my young life was based and dependent upon.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

CBS Evening News Discusses Alzheimer's Tonight!

CBS Evening News Discusses Alzheimer's Tonight!

CBS 'Evening News with Katie Couric' will air a 6-minute segment on 'Where America Stands on Alzheimer's' Tuesday, January 12. During the segment, CBS Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook will examine recent advancements in imaging, current research and lifestyle risk factors. ..."